At age five, my mama dropped a wiggly Springer Spaniel puppy into my lap. What a wise choice she made. For the bumps of life were alleviated greatly by this 17 year companion, a four legged friend who literally accompanied me throughout my entire childhood.
Like many young girls, I also became horse crazy or perhaps one could call it critter crazy too, as I sought to help mend the wings of birds, tend to chipmunks who were a bit beaten up by cats, put polliwogs in sinks, and rescue (fill up my mom's bathtub) with endless bunnies from the field next door.
In my adult years, I trained and rode jumpers. My gifted daughter Gigi followed in my footsteps, easily surpassing me in all ways, being able to handle the most intractable of thoroughbreds.
Together we rescued over 30 horses who had been abused, neglected or mistreated. We turned them out to roll in fields and loved "on them" until they slowly trusted their fellow humans again. My girl was a genius with the difficult ones. We went on to large competitions but the gist of our interaction with animals was always one at a personal level, although my girl became a champion at the renowned Spruce Meadows Equestrian Center, we were not seduced by the ribbons, the money or the fame. First and foremost we loved the horses and as the years went by, my daughter left the show ring and ending up healing horses and teaching autistic children to ride.
While still a young woman, people started bringing me tiny squirrels who had fallen from trees, bullfrogs with tears in their skin, doves who were confused or injured in traffic, a domestic parrot (supposed to be dropped off for a day which turned into a year), endless puppies and kittens that were heading to the shelter to be put down but somehow ended up as part of our large menagerie. In recent years, at one point our family ended up with six dogs, two goats, two horses and one kitty.
I teach all forms of vibrational healing (especially ongoing Reiki classes), give animal communication classes and operate as an animal medical intuitive/reader and "listener." My heart feels especially blessed to help creatures cross over the rainbow bridge. They share with deep accuracy when they are "ready."
After my girl moved on into Spirit (we had spent 46 years attending to the creatures, as best friends with our best friends), the creatures became an even greater priority. They continue to inspire and heal my heart and daily give new purpose to my life. I am here to help you in any manner with your pet, It is my life's work.